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9701 West 67th Street
Merriam, KS, 66203
United States


2025-2026 KC Legends Tryout Information

2025-2026 KC Legends Tryout Information

2025-2026 Legends Pre-Tryout Evaluations

The KC Legends will be holding our annual pre-tryout evaluations leading up to tryouts running June 2nd-5th at our club indoor training facility. Click on the button below and join us for some extra touches and looks before tryouts officially begin. Tryout registration doubles as your pre-tryout registration. You can register below.

Legends Indoor Training Facility- 9701 W. 67th St. Shawnee, KS 66203

2025-2026 KC Legends Club Tryouts

Register at the link below!

Want to learn more about Legends this Spring? Check out our Spring I.D. sessions here.


Our revolutionary 66,000 square foot training facility allows players to achieve their playing-making and goal-scoring potential in ways that would be impossible anywhere else.  It is engineered to maximize accurate, quick-release first and second-time shooting repetition.  The new facility includes 14 boarded turf training fields and 55 box soccer courts. 

Legends Fees

Program Commitment and Yearly/Monthly Cost Breakdown

Annual Registration Fee of $175

Monthly Coaching/Club Fee

Team Players (2nd through 8th grade) $119 per month - Paid July through May

Boy High School Players (9th-12th grade) - Paid November through May

Girl High School Players (9th-12th grade) - Paid July through February

Uniform Kit:  ~$250

All additional leagues (fall, winter and spring) and tournament related fees will be divided equally between all team families.

9701 W 67th St. | Merriam, KS 66203 || 913 851 9898 x222